Using Etherscan to Withdraw Unlocked eXRD Tokens

Important: Please note this guide should only be used if the method described in the main unlocking guide (link) is not working for you. Please be aware the default UI for withdrawing unlocked tokens is significantly more user friendly. If you have any concerns about a step in this guide, please contact

eXRD tokens purchased before their public release are locked and will be unlocked according to the price-based unlocking schedule described in detail in the Radix Economics white paper. These tokens are locked as “allocations” in a smart contract called the Unlocking Vault.

When tokens are unlocked according to the price-based unlocking schedule, they are available to be withdrawn from the Unlocking Vault by their owner – that is, only to the Ethereum address they specified when purchasing the tokens.

Radix has requested that you, as a token buyer, specify an Ethereum address to a wallet that can use MetaMask or WalletConnect to connect directly to our Radix unlocking webpage. This webpage provides a convenient interface to make the necessary smart contract calls to view and withdraw your purchased token allocations. However we are aware that some buyers may encounter technical problems when attempting to connect MetaMask or WalletConnect to our unlocking webpage.

This guide explains an alternative method of viewing and withdrawing tokens using Etherscan. This method is less user friendly and still requires use of MetaMask or a WalletConnect wallet – but some users may find success here if they are having difficulty with the Radix unlocking webpage.

This guide uses screenshots from Etherscan as of Nov. 18, 2020.

About Smart Contract Transaction with Etherscan

Etherscan is a popular tool to view transactions on the Ethereum ledger, but it also has a feature that allows you to directly interact with any Ethereum smart contract, like the Radix Unlocking Vault smart contract. It does this by reading a smart contract’s available “methods” ( the functions that the smart contract offers) and allowing raw transactions to be created using them.

To use this though, you need to understand which methods are useful and how to use them. Fortunately the Unlocking Vault’s methods for viewing and withdrawing eXRD tokens are pretty simple.

Confirming and Viewing your eXRD Allocation

Start by visiting this webpage, which is Etherscan’s page for the Radix Unlocking Vault smart contract:

This link takes you directly to the “read contract” section, which shows the read methods of the Unlocking Vault. These methods don’t require you to connect your wallet because they just provide information about the contents of the smart contract. You can check your eXRD allocation here.

Start by clicking the ‘getBeneficiaryAllocations” method as shown here:

You should now see an expanded box with two fields you can fill in.

Fill in “beneficiary_ (address)” with the Ethereum address that you registered with Radix when purchasing your tokens (which should also be the address of the wallet that you will use to withdraw the tokens).

Fill in “index_ (uint256)” with 0.

Click “Query”.

If you entered a valid Ethereum address that has an allocation in the Unlocking vault, you should now see a response from the smart contract like this:

The only important result is the “amount”. This confirms the total number of eXRD tokens that you have allocated in the Unlocking Vault. Remember that eXRD is divisible to 18 decimals, so to get “whole” eXRD, you must divide this number by 1e18. For example the number shown in the screenshot above is actually 100 eXRD tokens.

The “index_” that we set to 0 above is a kind of pointer to an allocation for an Ethereum address. The first allocation to each address is “0” and therefore should work for anybody with an allocation. It is possible that you may have multiple allocations to one Ethereum address however. If you have more than one allocation (or want to check if you do), you may change the “index_” field to 1 (or 2.. 3.. etc) to view and click “Query” again to confirm them.

Now that you have confirmed your allocation, scroll down the same page and click the “releasableAmount” method. This is another read method that can tell you how many tokens from an allocation have been unlocked.

As before, enter your Ethereum address under “beneficiary_ (address)” and 0 under “allocationIndex_ (uint256)” (or 1, 2, 3 etc. if you have multiple allocations).

Click “Query”.

If you entered a valid Ethereum address that has an allocation in the Unlocking vault, you should now see a response from the smart contract like this:

This number is the number of your eXRD tokens that have been unlocked and are available to withdraw from the Unlocking Vault. Again, remember that this number is in 18-decimal divisible eXRD, so divide the number by 1e18 to get the number of whole eXRD tokens. (The example shown above is actually 1 eXRD token - a 1% unlock of the beneficiary’s 100 eXRD allocation.)

When a price-based unlock has happened, this number should be something greater than 0, indicating the % of your own total token allocation that has been unlocked.

Withdrawing your Unlocked eXRD Tokens

Now that you have confirmed your allocation and checked that you have eXRD tokens that are unlocked and available to withdraw, you can do the withdrawal. Visit this link to take you to the Unlocking Vault’s Etherscan “write contract” page for the Unlocking Vault:

This section shows the write methods of the Unlocking Vault. These methods will require you to connect a wallet, because calling a write method creates an Ethereum transaction that must be signed and submitted to the Ethereum ledger by your wallet.

To connect your wallet, start by clicking the “Connect to Web3” button, which will bring up a pop-up asking you to select your preferred method of connecting as shown here:

Select either MetaMask or WalletConnect, depending on what method of connection your wallet supports. Remember that you must connect the wallet of the address that you provided to Radix for receipt of your eXRD tokens.

Follow the instructions for your chosen wallet connection method. For MetaMask, the browser extension should ask for your permission to connect. For WalletConnect, a QR code will appear to scan with your wallet application. If you are successful, you should see the Connect button change to this:

Scroll down the page and click the “release” method.

You should now see an expanded box with just one field you can fill in: “allocationIndex_ (uint256)”.

You do not have to enter a Beneficiary address here because “release” is automatically applied to the address submitting the transaction – your MEW wallet in this case.

When you execute a “release” method call, the Unlocking Vault smart contract automatically looks at the address that submitted and signed the transaction and sends all eXRD tokens (of the specified Index) that have been unlocked to that address.

Enter 0 as shown here (or if you have other allocations beyond index 0, you may enter that index number):

Click “Write”.

This creates the release transaction and sends it to your wallet to be signed and submitted to the Ethereum ledger. Complete the steps necessary in your wallet.

One the transaction has been committed to the Ethereum ledger, you should have your eXRD tokens!

Remember that, depending on your wallet, you may need to manually add eXRD to make your tokens visible. This will require entering the smart contract address for the eXRD token:


If asked, the token symbol should be “eXRD” and the decimals of precision should be 18.

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